How to pick novels to read as a beginner?

3 min readOct 20, 2022

With so many books of various genres and themes, it becomes troublesome and overwhelming to pick the best one! In this blog, I will guide you on how to pick novels to read if you are a beginner. This blog is also valuable for readers suffering from a reading slump (if you know, you know)! So, let’s dive in.

“If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” — JK Rowling.

local book fair

Why do you want to read?

Ask yourself, Why do you want to read? Is it because you want to gain knowledge, you want to enjoy, or you have FOMO? Reading, like any other activity, should have a reason. Once you know the motivation, it will become easy for you to pick up the best first novel. For example- If you want to read to gain financial literacy, go for Rich Dad Poor Dad or The Psychology Of Money.

“If you know the why, you can live any how.” — Friedrich Nietzsch.

Know your Genre!

Find your book by knowing what genre you like. Find what movies or series you enjoy and note their genre or theme. Choose your first book of the same theme. Introspection is the key. If you like romance, go for Nicholas Sparks’ books.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” — Aristotle.

Follow content creators who post about books.

There are many sources of information available on the internet, and it is up to us what content we would like to feed our brains. You can follow Instagram pages, YouTubers, and bloggers who post about bookish stuff and suggestions. Follow the ones whose interests match yours!

“We are what we consume.” — Thich Nhat Hanh.

Ditch the book that doesn't resonate with you!

The experiment is the key! You may have found your genre, a book suggested by your favorite creator and is liked by everyone apparently; and still, you did not enjoy it. No problem, ditch it. Pick the next one. You should not feel guilty about it.

“If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”― George S. Patton.

Do not go for classics as a beginner!

The blunder that most beginners do is starting with classics. I know classics have their beauty, but reading and understanding them might take a lot of time. It might snatch your interest. First, develop your interest in reading and then go for classics. Start simple.
If you want to read classics, go for easy ones like the Harry Potter series. There are many suggestions available on the Internet for classics for beginners.

Final Take-

Introspection and Experimentation is the key to picking the right book to read as a beginner.

The first step is to ask these questions to yourself-

  • Why do you want to read?
  • What interests you?
  • Is this book written for your taste?

Form a connection with the book, and relate with it. Experiment with different books, genres, and authors until you find the best one to start! Reading is a journey, and initiating simple will help you to embrace it. Going with overhyped books or difficult classics will grab your patience, and you will perceive reading as a task.

By implementing these plans, I am sure you will choose the perfect first read for yourself. Happy Reading!

Read about my favorite book, which is also beginner friendly- Tuesdays With Morrie.

