How to start a Bookstagram account?




Bookstagram is an Instagram community celebrating literature and all kinds of books. Social media is all about finding your community; you can start your book account to relate with other readers.

The first step to start anything is to ask yourself: Why? Why do you want to start a book account on Instagram?

  • to find your tribe.
  • to build your social media presence and you chose your niche: books.
  • for the love of sharing what you read.
  • for literary discussions.
  • the combination of the above reasons or any other.

In this blog, I am going to share: what you need to start an account, post ideas, insta growth tips, and how to build an engaging community.

My Account-

What do you need to start a book account?

First and foremost: you need a love for books, and reading.

  1. A username that defines you- Put a lot of time digging up a username that defines either your reading preference, your reader personality, or your niche. (growth tip: use keywords in your name and username like- book, reader, bookstagram.)
  2. A captivating bio Curate your bio according to what you read (types of books: fiction/non-fiction), reading challenges(to attract similar kinds of readers), and current reads. (growth tip: write what you provide- book reviews/book reel/ recommendations)
  3. A profile picture that either defines your account or yourself. Do not change your profile picture often, people often remember visuals and your profile picture will define you.
  4. Create 9–10 posts beforehand- the Instagram algorithm is on your side as soon as you create your account, so use it wisely. be consistent with posting regularly, at least for a month.

That’s all the prerequisites you need before starting a bookstagram account. And my last point brings me to Content ideas:

  1. Current read picture with a #qotd- What is your CR?
  2. Book review post.
  3. Author spotlight with a #qotd- Who’s your favourite author?
  4. Book haul/ Current buys/ Book stack picture.
  5. Book quote picture in a pretty template.

Reel ideas-

  1. current read and coffee (there are many audios)
  2. specific book recommendation (genre-wise/author-wise/mood-wise)
  3. book quote with a pretty background video.
  4. start a book with me (show your book, annotation tabs, highlighter, pen, bookmark)
  5. short reading vlog.

Story idea-

  1. current read with pleasant music.
  2. book excerpt.
  3. use poll stickers (standalone or series, fiction or non-fiction).
  4. question stickers(ask me anything)
  5. book and beverage.

Some growth tips:

  1. Have a visual consistency- Use the same editing in all your posts to maintain cohesivity and uniformity. It helped me a lot with my bookstagram aesthetics and growth.
  2. Standout- Everyone is a reader on bookstagram, so why should we follow you? For eg- My bookstagram account is about savouring rather than devouring, slow reading, it’s a safe space for busy readers; thus my username and name- is Book Snail.
  3. Community> Followers- Focus on building community rather than raising the amount of followers. Loyal followers are better than millions of bot and spam followers.
  4. Filter out spam followers.
  5. Be authentic- write an authentic, raw review, use your clicked pictures, and use your own curated templates.
  6. Engage with others. Engagement is a two-way process, if you are not engaging other accounts, no one is going to care about your account- no matter how much value you provide.

So grab your favourite book, strike a pose, and join the wonderful world of Bookstagram — where every page turn is an opportunity to inspire and be inspired. Happy reading, and happy snapping!



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