Have you ever read a book that made you cry throughout? My Sister’s Keeper is that book for me.

The only way to save your daughter is to sacrifice her sister.
The novel My Sister’s Keeper, by Jodi Picoult, narrates the story of Fitzgerald’s family, particularly Anna. Anna is a clinically created baby, developed to genetically match her sister, Kate, who is diagnosed with fatal leukemia. Anna has given blood and bone marrow to Kate all her life. Now thirteen years old, Anna wants to sue her parents for using her body.
My Sister’s Keeper is the story of a teenage girl who was ‘created’ to save her sister, a mother whose daughter is dying, a father whose family is falling apart, a son who is lost, a perplexed lawyer, a lonely guardian, and a child who is dying. The book is written from the perspective of each character. There are sub-stories of each character, which do not seem extra and are beautifully crafted.

It is the story that questions what is morally right; that deals with contradiction in one’s mind, tangled thoughts, and messy situations.
This book has changed my perspective on parenting, family dynamics, and the contradiction of thoughts. Picoult has uniquely crafted the grey characters; she has defined- what a grey character is through this book. The book is thought-provoking is an understatement; emotionally wrecking is another. The world is not in black and white is the whole narrative of the book. The ending shook me. It was slow-paced at times, which was necessary to build the introspective theme.