Victor E. Frankl in his book “Man’s search for meaning” has discussed about the meaning of suffering. The book is about the author’s own experience and struggle for survival in Auschwitz and cruelties he witnessed and faced during the Nazi rule.
Victor E. Frankl being a holocaust survival has witnessed and being the victim of the worst crime against humanity has written this book talking about hope, faith and optimism. If this is not motivational enough, I don’t know what is! He explained that we might not be the master of our physical environment but we can sure be the master of our own mental and spiritual state.
How is “Man’s search for a meaning” relevant in today’s time?
Today, when the humanity is fighting with the invisible enemy, Coronavirus; we are forced to quarantine ourselves at home. The news of people dying due to this perilous disease, people’s suffering and loss has affected our mental health. Along with all the necessary precautions to protect our physical health, it is very important to take care of our mental health too.
This book teaches us a lot about how to keep our mind unharmed from the surrounding adversities.
“yet it is possible to practice the art of living even in concentration camp, although suffering is omnipresent.” ~Victor E. Frankl.
In concentration camp, author being the researcher of psychiatry examined the psychological state of the prisoners and made the following conclusions-
- Man’s inner strength may raise him above his outward fate.
2. Sudden loss of hope and courage can have deadly effect.
3. Some prisoners of less hardy make up often seemed to survive camp life better than did those of a robust nature.
The above conclusions teach us that our inner strength is vital and loss of hope and faith will only add up hardships to our sufferings.
Victor E. Frankl has talked about ‘tragic optimism’ which means that one must remain positive (optimistic) in spite of pain, guilt and death which together known as tragic triad.
One cannot force himself to be optimistic all time. One must search a reason to be happy because if the reason is found, person becomes happy automatically. Doctor has explained this through the example of laughter- one cannot force the laugh on themselves but if he listens to a joke then he will laugh automatically. Here, joke is the reason for the laughter. Doing activities that make us happy and joyful can help us in this tough times. Patients should also indulge themselves into something that makes them happy, because again, if your inner self is healthy, it will not increase the trouble for your physical health.
One can find meaning of life if he finds the meaning in his sufferings and if he is capable in finding the meaning of life, he will not only be happy but will have the strength to experience and fight all hardships, life has to offer.
No one can relive your experience in their life and thus no one is able to relive or experience your suffering, your sufferings are totally yours and what makes you unique is how you manage and bear that burden.
“it did not really matter what we expect from life, but rather what life expected from us.”
I hope this piece of article helped you to be little positive in these tough times. :)
Chinmai Khare.